Founders Note: Today on the blog we have Patrice sharing about what it means to embrace singleness. We hope you are encouraged by her words as much as we were. The Initial Shock: I remember standing there in awe of what just took place; there was no way I could get through this. It was my decision to pick up that phone and honestly I had no idea that it would be this hard. I listened as he begged for me to rethink my decision but something magical happens when a woman has made up her mind. I knew I deserved better and I ultimately knew that I wasn’t ready to spend the rest of my life with this man. Forgiveness is the Key: I wish I could tell you that my broken heart healed quickly but that would be a lie, it literally took me about two years to really forgive myself and to forgive him. After ending my relationship I realized that the person I had become was vindictive, unhappy, depressed and okay with settling for less. I didn’t care about my dreams ...
Encouraging Women to Find Rest in God