Today i want to talk about taking the time to be still before God. So often we get caught up in our busyness that we forget to take that time just be with the one who created us. cause sisters, he longs to be with you and he never stops pursuing you and I. Psalm 46:10 says, He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” In this verse God is telling us to be still and know that he is God. For some of us to be still is like asking us to stay quiet for a long period of time, it's something that we can do if we work at it but getting there is hard. But with God, anything is possible. So with a little practice and some patience soon, daily we will be sitting in prayer and reading his word and letting it penetrate to the deepest part of our hearts. That's what being still before God is all about sisters. Weather it be soaking up his word or just sitting in our favorite spot and resting our weary souls. So i encourage you as you go throughout your week to be still before God and soak up his unfailing love for you.
Content, As christian women we here that word more times than we can count, especially in a season of waiting. Content is defined as, pleased and satisfied : not needing more. Have you been in a season in your life where your feel like you are just waiting? Waiting for a new job, waiting for things to get better, waiting for marriage, etc. Whatever you are waiting for, sometimes it just seems like it's taking forever just like a long line at the grocery store. When I think about being content, my thoughts instantly go to being content in my singleness. How many times have we heard the cliche lines like "just wait, God's got it" said by well meaning people, only to make you feel worse. There was a time in my life where it was so hard to hear all of those lines without just wanting to cry, because like I said it made me feel worse rather than better. That is when I would get discontent in waiting, sometimes I feel like i am in this never...
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Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24