Ladies, since starting the Quiet Place 6 months ago we could have never imagined where God would take this blog. But as I always say, he never ceases to amaze me" and that he did. Thank you so much for your support and we couldn't do this without you the readers, so thank you! As you know we are always looking for blog submissions, so this month we decided to focus on Singleness. So if you have something on your heart to share about singleness, or maybe it's something that you are struggling with. No matter what it is, we would love for you to share your heart on the Quiet Place. Email submissions, we can't wait to hear from you!
Content, As christian women we here that word more times than we can count, especially in a season of waiting. Content is defined as, pleased and satisfied : not needing more. Have you been in a season in your life where your feel like you are just waiting? Waiting for a new job, waiting for things to get better, waiting for marriage, etc. Whatever you are waiting for, sometimes it just seems like it's taking forever just like a long line at the grocery store. When I think about being content, my thoughts instantly go to being content in my singleness. How many times have we heard the cliche lines like "just wait, God's got it" said by well meaning people, only to make you feel worse. There was a time in my life where it was so hard to hear all of those lines without just wanting to cry, because like I said it made me feel worse rather than better. That is when I would get discontent in waiting, sometimes I feel like i am in this never...
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Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24