I love it when God fills my heart to the top so far that the only thing that I can and want to do is worship him. I often find that God fills my heart through music. For example this Sunday in church we sang some old familiar songs that I haven't heard in a long time and I loved it. That day the Lord filled my heart and I was able to let it spill over and flow back up to him. It saddens me to report that this doesn't happen more often because I want to always worship God with a genuine heart. I think that sometimes I get so caught up in my own needs and wants that I miss what God is doing. This has been true especially lately. I've been so focused on my new schedule and getting things done that I haven't been taking the time I need to spend with God. If I would only let him fill me up I know that I would have better days and less anxiety. So let's work on letting God fill up our hearts today. I encourage you to take some quiet time today. Go in your room, shut the door, turn on some worship music, and let God move your heart.
Content, As christian women we here that word more times than we can count, especially in a season of waiting. Content is defined as, pleased and satisfied : not needing more. Have you been in a season in your life where your feel like you are just waiting? Waiting for a new job, waiting for things to get better, waiting for marriage, etc. Whatever you are waiting for, sometimes it just seems like it's taking forever just like a long line at the grocery store. When I think about being content, my thoughts instantly go to being content in my singleness. How many times have we heard the cliche lines like "just wait, God's got it" said by well meaning people, only to make you feel worse. There was a time in my life where it was so hard to hear all of those lines without just wanting to cry, because like I said it made me feel worse rather than better. That is when I would get discontent in waiting, sometimes I feel like i am in this never...
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Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24