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Crown of Beauty Magazine

Founders Note: Today on the blog we have  Livy who is the founder of crown of beauty magazine. It's coming out this Friday so be sure to check it out and use the promo code: thequietplace to buy it!

Unless you've been living in a cave for the past fifteen years of your life, or dwell on an Amish farm out in the hilly countryside, you've probably noticed the way in which the media has a special gift for making girls feel ugly and inadequate. We've all suffered through those nauseating T.V. advertisements in which an underwear model poses, pursing her pouty lips, as her hair blows wildly from a fan. After watching such ads I roll my eyes and try not to laugh. I mean, how lame do the marketers think that I am?! (It's like those drug advertisements that list the deadly side effects, such as hearing loss or your nose falling off, while they show happy old couples flying kites, and walking puppy dogs.)
I'm sure you've picked up on the trend in many teen magazines. The words on the glossy cover shout, “Boost Your Self-Confidence! Six Tips To Loving Yourself!” Yet by the time you flip to page ten, you've already seen a dozen perfect faces and bodies posing for makeup advertisements, which drained away all confidence you were hoping to get from their pep-talk article.

Every girl has noticed what's going on. We're not immune to it. But have we ever recognized what's going on around us as a targeted attack on our beauty as females?

The sickening plot has been dreamt up, and skillfully executed by the enemy of our souls, Satan. He has always hated girls. Ever since the Garden of Eden, he has been attacking Eve and his daughters with lies that spew like fire out of his dragon mouth.

The purpose of this disgusting scheme is to convince God's chosen daughters that they are worthless. The familiar scenery of the hour we live in, the set on this stage, and the cast of characters in this story remind me of what unfolded in Esther's day. Esther’s story is a dramatic tale that all of us love. An ordinary, average, orphan girl was called to play a magnificent role in the Kingdom, and God used her to release her entire generation from destruction. Just like Esther you were called into the kingdom for such a time as this.

Girl, your adrenaline-pumping, high-action, story of greatness is unfolding. You living in the midst of this BEAUTY-saturated generation for a purpose, and that purpose is not to remain silent and be destroyed. There is no need for fear because we know how this story ends. The victory is not in jeopardy, it already belongs to Christ. He is calling you to walk with Him into this adventure.

Will you join your Christian sisters and discover what's going on behind-the-scenes in the modeling industry, Hollywood, the media, and cosmetic companies? Many of these avenues have added insult to injury , as thousands of young girls just don't feel like they measure up. Discover the unique role that we have as young women in combating this attack on our generation! You have been given a powerful influence and are called to play a meaningful role. Be both challenged and encouraged in this powerful new recourse for Christian girls, an online magazine, Crown of Beauty Magazine.  Crown of Beauty is releasing their first FULL downloadable issue on Friday November 1st, 2013! This issue includes articles and interviews with some wonderful young women! Including, Jenny Simmons of Addison Road, Sarah Ross from Everlife, Rachel Lee Carter author of Modeling Christ, and Kylie Busitti, a former Victoria's Secret Model, who walked away from her glamorous career to obey God's call and be an example for girls everywhere!
Recommended for teen girls ages 13+.

If you decide to order The Beauty Issue for yourself, or another young women in your life, be sure to use the promotion code: thequietplace
It will give you$1.00 off & you’ll be supporting The Quiet Place blog because we’ll get 50% commission from your purchase! (This coupon code also works on the COB E-book: When Life Feels Like a Taylor Swift Song: A Girl’s Guide to Boys.)

For more info about The Beauty Issue, or to order go to:
Crown of Beauty Magazine
It will first give you an introduction of the magazine, then down below, you put your info and how you found out about the magazine. Once you enter submit, it will lead you to another page: click Add to Cart.  The next page will show you what you have in the cart and underneath you will put the promotion code: thequietplace. Make sure you UPDATE your cart before you continue. It’s all easy sailing from there. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail

Blessings in Christ!

~Livy J. @ Crown of Beauty Magazine


  1. I love this! I'm so happy some worthwhile reading material will be available for my tiny girls as they get older. I mean, I explain they're beautiful children of God all the time, but I know the day is coming when they won't listen to their silly old mom anymore! :) Thank you for putting some quality information out there!

    1. Thanks Julie! Livy is doing some amazing things over at crown of beauty magazine, we are so glad to be apart of spreading the word :)

  2. It's great that there is an alternative to the traditional magazines. Hope you have a great day!

    Heidi’s Wanderings

    1. yes it is :) thanks for stopping by our blog Heidi, we will definitely check yours out!


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Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

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