Honestly seeking Christ is something that I feel I haven't been doing very well with lately. Yet Christ hasn't stopped seeking me, he hasn't ceased to work in my heart, and he certainly hasn't halted challenging me. Tonight I read over a she reads truth devotional for the second time. I'm so glad that I did because I want to share with you what stuck out to me. This devotional on John chapter 5 talks about seeking Christ. What stood out to me specifically was this quote... "Obedience is not just about obeying a command. It's about drawing close to the Father." I think this quote is SO true! Obeying God is more than just following His rules. It's about having a close relationship with Him and doing what he asks of us because we love Him and we know that He loves us and has are very best interest at heart. Romans 8:28 If we truly love God, we will hang on His every word, like a lover hangs on the words of her beloved. We will seek after Ch...
Encouraging Women to Find Rest in God