Content, As christian women we here that word more times than we can count, especially in a season of waiting. Content is defined as, pleased and satisfied : not needing more. Have you been in a season in your life where your feel like you are just waiting? Waiting for a new job, waiting for things to get better, waiting for marriage, etc. Whatever you are waiting for, sometimes it just seems like it's taking forever just like a long line at the grocery store. When I think about being content, my thoughts instantly go to being content in my singleness. How many times have we heard the cliche lines like "just wait, God's got it" said by well meaning people, only to make you feel worse. There was a time in my life where it was so hard to hear all of those lines without just wanting to cry, because like I said it made me feel worse rather than better. That is when I would get discontent in waiting, sometimes I feel like i am in this never...
Mmmmm... it's always nice to read the positive stuff :) Thanks for your gratitude!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder! That verse was fresh breath for me this morning.
ReplyDeleteThis month's theme is so perfect with winter being on its way out!!! :)
ReplyDeleteReading over your list reminded me of so many things that I really am grateful for even though I don't really THINK about them!
I'll add these things:
God, the Gospel, my community, dinners (and ANYTHING) with friends, people who have shared their knowledge with me over the years, family, fingernail polish, fresh spring air, my vacuum, laughter, warm socks, hot water, record labels whose artists rap the gospel, blooms, skype, sunshine, memories, and the list goes on and on!!!
I love your list! I'm so ready for the fresh Spring Air!!! We've finally gotten a taste of it here and it has been SO nice.
ReplyDeleteAw your welcome Devra!
ReplyDeleteYour Welcome! :D